In the beginning ...

This promotional video -- just recently posted on a colleague and friend's blog -- was made (gulp) over a decade ago when the Adult Conductive Education Program at Ontario March of Dimes was literally in its infancy, and I was a newly graduated, wet behind the ears conductor.

Ontario March of Dimes continues to run successful Conductive Education programs --

On a personal note -- fond memories triggered by every face in that video -- the senior conductor AB who took me from student to professional, each person, each story.  If only I'd been blogging then -- what a wealth of untold experiences and stories.  I'd love to know how you all are now, and for you to know how much you have shaped me, how much you still mean to me.

Thanks Susie -- what a fantastic way to start my day!

Here is Susie's blog which recently posted the video, and where you will find a wealth of told conductive experiences:

There are places I remember, in my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better.  Some have gone, but some remain
All these places have their moments, 
With lovers and friends, I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living, 
In my life, I've loved them all                                                                 
                                                                  Lennon & McCartney